We develop teams that rise above themselves and deliver excellent results.

Develop your personal leadership while interacting.

Collaboration starts at individual level. We develop personal leadership in interaction – simultaneously. In other words, whilst working as a team, every team member – so you as well – grows his self-knowledge, self-esteem and unicity.

Our teaming experts

Click on the picture for a more extensive profile.

Hans Veenman
Hans VeenmanConnecting team coach
Teaming is my passion because personal connection is the way for me to motivate myself and others to take on challenging assignments together and to amaze ourselves and others about the seemingly easily achieved results.
I have learned that it is essential for me to listen to my personal needs, to what fits me and gives me energy. Through that my purpose in life became clear: help others to identify their personal needs, what fits them and gives them energy.
Marieke Strobbe
Marieke StrobbeChallenging facilitator
Teaming is my passion because I have experienced what it feels like to be excluded ánd to be a member of successful teams. In the latter experiences, we ourselves did not expect these successes in advance – and our environment did not expect them at all.
The more I know myself, the better I can team. And by teaming, I get to know myself better; a nourishing circle.
Sietsche Dijkstra
Sietsche DijkstraConnecting facilitator
Connection is one of my drivers. Growth and progress will happen through connection. Teamwork is pivotal to that. By connecting and working together we can achieve great things. And can we get the best out of ourselves and others. And that brings me to the teaming. Teaming company helps in the why and how, so you can achieve the why and what.
Gert-Jan de Jong
Gert-Jan de JongDialogic facilitator
Teaming is my passion because I love the creative act. Bringing out the best in myself and others, in terms of intention, attention, perception, creativity, imagination and ethics, and of finding a good response to challenges that matter., Because of the growing complexity of those challenges co-creation is increasingly required. My drive is to invite participants into an open conversation of which intention and direction are clear, but are on design not fixed. In the process, they will gradually take shape and generate new meaning. Thus resulting in change and innovation.
Dimphy Peters
Dimphy PetersTeam coach, interim manager
Teaming is my passion because I love to contribute to a better world. I am passionate about personal leadership and personal development. I like to get the best out of myself and others. Learning mainly succeeds in interaction with someone else. That requires openness and vulnerability, including from myself. That is sometimes very exciting and often gives an untold amount of energy. When teams are able to learn together, magic is created, then teams make a world of difference. Every day.
Erik van Riet
Erik van RietTeam coach, interim manager
Teaming is my passion because it gives me so many more development opportunities and it enables me to achieve so much more. I experience that teaming creates a context of trust in which organizations and their people want to develop.
I believe we all have the capacity to change over and over again. From a positive perspective, I like to shape ambition and make as much use of the talent as possible. Continuing to learn is the way for me to deal with the challenges and uncertainty of the future.
Odette van Son
Odette van SonTeam coach
Teaming is my passion because I believe that only together we can really make a difference. In addition to a common goal, this requires trust, openness and curiosity… towards yourself and others. Sometimes you have to stop to speed up. This is my guideline and I love to guide others in this.

What moves you? When you are able to start moving, you inspire others to do the same. Like a flywheel. I want to unleash that energy and potential, so that a team keeps moving even after my coaching.

Our teaming experts

Click on the picture for a more extensive profile.

Hans Veenman
Hans VeenmanConnecting team coach
Teaming is my passion because personal connection is the way for me to motivate myself and others to take on challenging assignments together and to amaze ourselves and others about the seemingly easily achieved results.
I have learned that it is essential for me to listen to my personal needs, to what fits me and gives me energy. Through that my purpose in life became clear: help others to identify their personal needs, what fits them and gives them energy.
Marieke Strobbe
Marieke StrobbeChallenging facilitator
Teaming is my passion because I have experienced what it feels like to be excluded ánd to be a member of successful teams. In the latter experiences, we ourselves did not expect these successes in advance – and our environment did not expect them at all.
The more I know myself, the better I can team. And by teaming, I get to know myself better; a nourishing circle.
Sietsche Dijkstra
Sietsche DijkstraConnecting facilitator
Connection is one of my drivers. Growth and progress will happen through connection. Teamwork is pivotal to that. By connecting and working together we can achieve great things. And can we get the best out of ourselves and others. And that brings me to the teaming. Teaming company helps in the why and how, so you can achieve the why and what.
Dimphy Peters
Dimphy PetersTeam coach, interim manager
Teaming is my passion because I love to contribute to a better world. I am passionate about personal leadership and personal development. I like to get the best out of myself and others. Learning mainly succeeds in interaction with someone else. That requires openness and vulnerability, including from myself. That is sometimes very exciting and often gives an untold amount of energy. When teams are able to learn together, magic is created, then teams make a world of difference. Every day.
Erik van Riet
Erik van RietTeam coach, interim manager
Teaming is my passion because it gives me so many more development opportunities and it enables me to achieve so much more. I experience that teaming creates a context of trust in which organizations and their people want to develop.
I believe we all have the capacity to change over and over again. From a positive perspective, I like to shape ambition and make as much use of the talent as possible. Continuing to learn is the way for me to deal with the challenges and uncertainty of the future.
Odette van Son
Odette van SonTeam coach
Teaming is my passion because I believe that only together we can really make a difference. In addition to a common goal, this requires trust, openness and curiosity… towards yourself and others. Sometimes you have to stop to speed up. This is my guideline and I love to guide others in this.

What moves you? When you are able to start moving, you inspire others to do the same. Like a flywheel. I want to unleash that energy and potential, so that a team keeps moving even after my coaching.

Listen what our ambassadors
– also ex-participants –
say about our work

Click on the picture to read the transcript in English.

Stijn van Aert
Stijn van Aert
Digital Strategist, Growth Facilitator
Daam Grund
Daam Grund
Project manager Digital Transformations
Marcel de Groot
Marcel de Groot
Supervisor in innovation and implementation
Menno Valkenburg
Menno Valkenburg
Project pilot,
PMP, AgilePM, GPM-b, PSM I
Wim Boogaard
Wim Boogaard
Director Major Strategic Transitions

Our story

Mid-nineties organizational transformation was driven by technological innovations. Complex transformation projects were started, in which external business consultants were hired to bring their knowledge on content and process.

KPMG Consulting – our employer at the time – explored what was necessary for teams and team members to complete these projects successfully, with confidence and energy. To provide these teams with a good start a kick-off was designed that went beyond the traditional ‘rational’ kick-off. In this kick-off all involved worked, sticking to their roles, on the project goals, planning and way of working, whilst developing themselves as a team towards a first experience of high performance. This implied that the team went through the storming phase. This ‘emotional’ experience established the team members’ confidence in their collaboration; unease and disagreement were recognized and discussed, and all team members got the taste of a team in flow.

To prepare all employees for these kick-offs, KPMG organized the so-called Core Skills training. Each group of participants reflected the diversity of a project team: from director to junior consultant – they participated simultaneously and jointly experienced the team development stages.

After completing the program a vast majority of participants expressed their trust in their fellow team members: “If we were to start a project next Monday, I’m completely confident we would make it a success.”

Marieke acted as project leader for KPMG Consulting Netherlands; Hans was a partner and participated in the first pilot.

We both left KPMG but the approach and philosophy of the Core Skills training remained at the core of our work and being.
So when after a few years working as independents, a client asked us to join forces, we easily collaborated.

After five years of working together as independents we expressed the desire to jointly work under one label. In our quest for this label, we met Stijn: first as a client, then as team coach in a Teaming program and now as co-founder of Teaming Company.

We’ve done some calculations, which resulted in some 4,000 people, who have participated in the core training program delivered by us, or by former KPMG colleagues. When we meet ex-participants and ask them about the training, most of them refer to it as ‘the best training ever’. As a consequence our ex-participants today still ask us to contribute to the development of their colleagues, team(s) and organizations. A number of these ex-participants have voiced their experience in an audio message earlier on this page.