Hans Veenman
What I am good at
My experience with teaming
All my life I enjoy to collaborate with others to execute wonderful, challenging assignments. To one of the many teams, of which I have been part, I once said: “It doesn’t matter; if we start a shipyard tomorrow, we will also be successful.” After experiencing the Core Skills training in 1998 my awareness grew that the power is in the team, and that I can contribute to the development and to the performance of teams. It appeared to be my calling and therefore I made it my profession as an independent as of 2006.
What inspires me
True stories about people showing themselves, their passion, emotion or view on reality. Music, and particularly jazz, soul and funk, help me to reflect and dream. Nature, it’s greatness, the order (see the adjacent picture) and the awareness that we are a humble part of it.
Résumé in short
2015 | Self-Managing Leadership, Oxford Leaderschip Academy |
2014 | Team Player Profile, Oxford Leaderschip Academy |
2008 – | Systemic Work & Transactional Analysis, Phoenix Opleidingen |
2006 | Independent consultant, coach and trainer, Rogare |
2002 | Partner Atos KPMG Consulting |
1998 | Partner KPMG Consulting |
1987 | Business Telecommunications, TU Delft |
1978 | Junior business consultant, Klynveld Kraaijenhof & Co. |
1974 | Electrical Engineering, TU Delft |
1956 | born in Amsterdam |