Teaming is the skill to feel so trusted that we challenge and question each other towards the best possible result.
Teaming requires awareness, communication, trust, collaboration and (self) reflection, in a context offering psychological safety enabling experimenting.
We guide individuals, teams and their context towards results.
Due to COVID-19 the need for teaming has increased even more. How to take good care of yourself and others, to be more successful together?
Our programmes continue. We work according to Corona rules and legislation and take individual needs into account. We have experienced how 100% online, 100% together-with-corona-distance as well as hybrid workshop formats help our clients in these unprecedented times.
The why of Teaming Company
Two decades ago, teams were pretty stable entities. Today’s time however asks for dynamic teams: individuals and core teams who are able to engage in short term collaboration with each other, with experts or other teams to achieve results fast.
This core skill is no longer ‘team building’ but ‘teaming’: simultaneously working on the result ànd creating a context in which it is safe to share knowledge and experience, to innovate and experiment, to challenge and trust each other.
Two prerequisites enable teaming, the one influencing the other:
- individuals, who know their personal needs in collaboration, have the guts to express their needs and are willing to reflect on their personal behaviour and needs;
- a context that is psychologically safe: in which one can experiment, and asking questions, raising ideas and expressing opinions are normal ways of communication, and in which mistakes and failures are treated as lessons.
The Company is a divers party: clients, team leaders and (temporary) team members, and coaches and facilitators who live teaming and it’s conditions daily.
In Teaming Company we are in good company and enjoy challenge and inspiration to develop ourselves and each other, to make the world a better place.
Because that is what we strive for: making the world a better place by optimising the interaction between people. We develop the self-knowledge, self-esteem, independence and individuality in a way that the individual can contribute in interaction with others.
In our view each collaboration starts with the individual, just as all beautiful things in the world – and the less beautiful things, which exist as well.
What our clients say

They coached a dysfunctional team into
a very motivated and professional team.

The program enriched people personally and teams became more efficient, leading to a well-functioning organization, excellent project performance and low turnover in general.

I really love to organise similar programs with my new co-workers and again benefit from the intensity of the training and the guidance that Teaming Company has to offer.

Participants will gain more understanding in maximizing team results by co-creation.
Hans and Marieke are direct in their feedback and dive to the core.

The training worked like a flywheel: we got to know each other, created safety, discovered what we stand for and everyone took their responsibility.
Teaming Talk
Onze logo-animatie
Op 11/11 om 11:11 gingen we live met Teaming Company op Linkedin. Deze acht enen zien wij ook als acht individuen die met elkaar teamen. Teamen start met het individu dat tot z’n recht komt in contact met zichzelf én anderen. Omdat we zelf zo blij worden van onze animatie, zetten we die ook hier neer.
Vermoedelijke intentie en effect
Maandag kwam ik een mooi voorbeeld tegen van incongruentie tussen (vermoedelijke) intentie en effect. Zeilers voor de Portugese kust werden deze zomer opgeschrikt door jonger orka's die tegen de boot botsten. Het filmpje laat duidelijk botsingen horen en de zeilers geven aan dat ze het beangstigend vinden: worden ze aangevallen of willen de orka's slechts spelen? Wat de intentie van de orka's ook is, het effect op de zeilers is dat ze het beangstigend vinden. De
Een onveilig systeem ombuigen
Joy Goedkoop heeft misstanden in de turnwereld aangekaart. Na haar turncarrière heeft ze het aangedurfd om haar mond open te doen. En de wijze waarop ze dat doet, vinden wij bewonderenswaardig en leerzaam. De leerpunten die wij eruit afleiden:Hoe moeilijk het is om je mond open te doen als je nog in het systeem zit (“dan gooi je je eigen glazen in”) én dat het nooit te laat is om dat alsnog te doen;Joy heeft in haar